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We are following advice from our governing body as well as the government and Public Health England to ensure client safety during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Mask Display

Covid -19 procedures at Body Tonic:


We will protect you by wearing a mask for the duration of your appointment. â€‹


During the gap between clients, we will open the door and windows to ventilate the room, disinfect any equipment used and wipe down the table, chair, treatment couch, surfaces and door handles.

What we ask of you:


Please do not attend your appointment at Body Tonic if you or a member of your household, are experiencing one or more of the Covid-19 symptoms [cough, temperature, loss of smell/taste].


If you have returned from overseas, tested positive for COVID-19 or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, we ask that you do not come to the clinic until you have completed the necessary self-isolation period and testing.


If you develop symptoms or test positive for Covid-19 in the 48hrs after visiting Body Tonic, please inform us so that we can follow the relevant contact tracing procedures.


Whilst wearing a face mask is no longer compulsory we do still advise it in the interests of keeping everyone as safe as possible. 


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